Sunday 2 November 2014

AGM Minutes 2014

Moss Lea Allotment Society
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on
Tuesday 28th October 2014 at 8 pm in Astley Bridge Cricket Club
Present: Steve Barlow, Ray Hardcastle, Gwen Kinloch, Andy Warburton, Phil Almond, Steve Cowell, Barry Ashton
Apologies: Steve Watson
Minutes of the Previous Meeting, held on 29th October 2013, were accepted as a correct record.
Secretary’s Report: Steve Barlow gave a summary of the year.  The Society now has an Operational Management Agreement with Bolton Council.  All vacant plots have been let and a community plot has been established.  The site is well maintained and more tenants are taking an active interest in the Society and its operation.  Ray Hardcastle led a vote of thanks to Steve Barlow for his hard wok over the year in bringing about these improvements.
Treasurer’s Report: Ray Hardcastle circulated the Society’s accounts.  Profits are limited this year because of two large purchases: skip hire and purchase of a generator.  Otherwise, the Society’s bank balance is healthy.
Show Report: The report was noted.  It was agreed that the 2014 Show had been successful and thanks were extended to all who contributed to the day.  It was agreed that a contribution of £50 should be made to charity in lieu of payment to the Show judge, Tommy Halliday, for all the work he puts in to making the event a success.
Insurance: It was agreed that the policy should be renewed for 2015.  The level of cover required will be discussed at the next ordinary meeting with a view to agreement being reached before the renewal date.
Election of Officers: The following were appointed for 2014/15:
·      Chair: Steve Cowell
·      Secretary: Steve Barlow
·      Treasurer: Ray Hardcastle
·      Show Secretary: Andy Warburton
·      Maintenance Officer: Steve Watson
Subscriptions: It was agreed that subscriptions should be raised to £5 per annum to cover anticipated increased insurance costs.
Secretary’s Honorarium: Steve Barlow declined to accept the Honorarium.
Any Other Business
There was no other business.
Date of Next Meeting: Provisionally 27th October 2015

October 2014

Meeting Minutes October 28th 2014

Moss Lea Allotment Society
Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on
Tuesday 28th October 2014, 8 pm at Astley Bridge Cricket Club
Steve Barlow
Steve Cowell
Andy Warburton
Gwen Kinloch
Ray Hardcastle
Phil Almond
Barry Ashton

Apologies: Steve Watson

Minutes of the Previous Meeting
The Minutes of the meeting of 30th September 2014 were accepted as a correct record.

Matters Arising
There were no matters arising from the previous minutes.

1.    Secretary’s Report
a)    Association of Bolton Allotment Societies: A representative from the National Association gave a presentation to ABAS.  The principal message was to keep vigilant about attempts by the Council to sell off sites for housing.  It has been confirmed that Moss Lea is a statutory allotment site.  The cost of joining the National is £90 pa per Society.  Individuals can also join at a cost of a few pounds.
ABAS is concerned about Bolton’s lack of financial support for Societies, apparently the only Council not to do so.  It was noted, however, that whilst the Council may not make a contribution towards admin costs, that the Society has to bear, it does meet other costs such as the water bill (£40,000 for all allotments in 2013/14).
The Council is now keeping a central log of all requests for maintenance and other assistance.
There have been changes to non-cultivation procedures and a stage 1 warning can now be given verbally as well as in writing.
Buddies are to be advised to take out joint tenancy agreements to formalise claims to plots or place their name on the Waiting List to show interested in taking over the plot at a later date.
Society members are being asked to join the ABAS committee.
The Bolton-wide allotment judging will take place in June or July next year.  The leek and onion show will take place in September.
b)   Monthly Return:  The one breach of tenancy has moved to Stage 2.
c)    Greenhouse Spaces: The one vacant space has been let to Mr & Mrs Jones.  A list of all greenhouse space tenants has been sent to the Council.
d)   Site Repair & Maintenance: The Council will send a contractor to review the condition of the Amenity Hut doors and frames and will also consider supplying drains for the Society to install in poorly drained plots.
e)   Waiting List: There are currently 4 names on the waiting list.
f)     Compost Area: Tenants are to be reminded that only compostable material should be deposited in this area.  Covers are sought for bays that are full to allow them to rot down.

2.    Greenhouses
Steve had circulated a voting paper asking members if tenants should be allowed to construct a greenhouse on their plot.  The results were counted by Barry and Phil.  Of the 27 responses 18 voted Yes and 9 No.  The outcome will be reported to the Council, which has the final say on whether the current restrictions should be lifted.

3.    Web Site
Steve Richardson  has created a blog page for the Society.  For more information visit:

4.    Insurance
The main discussion took place during the AGM but is reported here for continuity purposes.  Current insurance cover is public liability for the Show.  It is proposed that cover be extended to Employer’s liability as this would cover volunteers working on behalf of the Society.  A third option would be to cover damage to property and equipment and loss of trophies.  The policy currently costs the Society £68.90 pa.  Option 2 would increase the cost to £159 and option 3 to £265.  It was agreed more information was needed both on insurance and the responsibilities of the Society and its individual members and the discussion will be continued at the next meeting.  It was noted that ABAS are looking into Bolton-wide coverage and also discussing the matter with the Council.

5.    Web Site: Steve Richardson is looking into setting up a web site for the society.  It would be used to post information about the site and society business.

6.    Any Other Business: There was no other business

Date of Next Meeting: Tuesday 25th November 2014 8 pm Astley Bridge Cricket Club