Sunday 19 October 2014

Meeting minutes Tues 30th September

Moss Lea Allotment Society
Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on
Tuesday 30th September 2014, 8 pm at Astley Bridge Cricket Club
Steve Barlow
Gwen Kinloch
Andy Warburton
Phil Almond
Steve Richardson
Barry Ashton
Steve Watson
Pauline Oliver
Steve Cowell

Apologies: Ray Hardcastle

Minutes of the Previous Meeting
The Minutes of the meeting of 5th August 2014 were accepted as a correct record.

Matters Arising
There were no matters arising from the previous minutes.

Secretary’s Report
Association of Bolton Allotment Societies: Steve and Phil attended the monthly meeting.  The operational management agreement continues to be discussed.  Clear guidance is being sought from the Council on nomination of buddies.  The Association is concerned that societies are having to pick up the costs of site administration and will be taking the matter up with the Council.  They will also be discussing insurance matters with the Council.  There are plans to re-instate the annual onion and leek show, which will be held at Astley Bridge Cricket Club.  The 50p sub paid from members’ subscriptions to ABAS will stand for 2014/15 and there will be no more to pay this year.
Monthly Return: This includes a section on breaches of tenancy.  Steve reported that one plot has moved to stage 1, which involves a formal letter concerning the lack of cultivation.  There are various steps in the process, which may eventually lead to the tenant vacating the plot.
Tenancy Changes: A request to consider 2 half plots as one full plot has been agreed.
Site Repair & Maintenance: Drainage on plots 18 & 19 is poor and a request for drainage pipes has been submitted to the Council.  There were compliments from Show visitors about how good the site looked.  Steve extended his thanks to all who help to keep the site tidy and in good repair.  The cold frame area has been cleared of brambles but it was agreed that the whole area needs a good tidy.  Anyone with ideas on how it could be better used should speak to Steve.
Waiting List: There is currently 1 name on the waiting list.  Two more people have expressed an interest in having a plot and may therefore join the waiting list.
Community Plot: This has been let to two newcomers.  However, a plot is being vacated and one of the new tenants will be offered this.  It was agreed that if those working the community plot did not want to leave it for a vacated plot then the latter would become the community plot instead.
Thanks: One of the new tenants has expressed his thanks to Steve for the welcome he has had from society members.
Compost Area:  This is being so well used that a second bay has been built and the first compound covered over to allow material to rot down.  There is concern about what is being added to the heap; much is material that could be composted on individual plots and a lot is pernicious weeds and diseased material that no one will want to use when it finally rots down.  Guidance is needed to get the best out of the facility.
Trespass & Theft: There is no evidence of trespass but produce and materials are still going missing.  It may well be someone on the site but it was agreed that tenants had to be reminded to keep the gate closed at all times.  There was some discussion about installation of CCTV cameras but this will not be pursued for the time being.
Amenity Hut: This can now be used for tool storage.  It was noted that the lock had been mended.

Show Report
The number of entrants and entries was lower this year compared with last.  Nevertheless, the Show made a profit of about £200 and it was generally agreed that it went well.  The quality of the cakes that had been donated for refreshments was particularly high and contributed to the success of the afternoon.  Steve thanked everyone who had helped to make the day a success.
The recipient of the Liddicote Bowl had complained that this was not a fitting trophy for the category.  The Gillibrand Cup will therefore be re-instated as the trophy for most points in flower categories.
Discussion turned to improving the kitchen facilities in the amenity hut.  Kitchen units are to be installed for general use during the year.  A new sink unit may be considered.  Better facilities for boiling water are needed, bearing in mind that they will be required for just one day in the year.

Proposed Expenditure
A generator for the amenity hut has been purchased.  There was no support for the proposed purchase of a rotovator because they are generally mis-used and create more weed problems than they solve.  The purchase of two sickles was agreed.  It is possible to turn the strimmer into a bush cutter and therefore there is no need to purchase an additional piece of equipment.  Improving the security of the amenity hut by replacing the doors and frames was deemed to be a priority.  Estimates of cost are needed then Steve will take the matter up with the Council in the first instance.

Steve presented draft conditions that would govern the siting and construction of greenhouses on individual plots should this be agreed by the society and the Council.  These were discussed and some amendments made.  A voting slip will be circulated to all members, to be returned by the next meeting when Steve will announce the results.  The outcome will be submitted to the Council for consideration.

The Society’s annual general meeting will be held next month.  Four posts are up for election.  Steve will continue as Secretary and Ray Hardcastle has agreed to continue as Treasurer.  Nominations are sought for the position of Chair and Show Secretary.  It was proposed and agreed that the post of Maintenance Officer should be added to the list of named positions.  Steve Watson has been nominated for this post.  Job specs will be drawn up for each position to allow members to consider whether they want to stand for election.

Any Other Business
Web Site: Steve Richardson is looking into setting up a web site for the society.  It would be used to post information about the site and society business.
Councillor Visit: Local councillors who were unable to attend the Show have asked if they can visit the site at a later date.
Area Forum: It was agreed a society rep should attend these meetings to access the grant moneys available to local groups.

Date of Next Meeting: AGM and ordinary meeting Tuesday 28th October 2014 8 pm Astley Bridge Cricket Club