Thursday 25 February 2016

Compost, Perlite and Vermiculie

The Allotment society has a supply of Clover multipurpose compost for sale at £3.50 for a 75l bag.
All proceeds go towards society funds. We also have a supply of perlite and vermiculite available at £1.50 a bag.
Please ask any committee member if you want to purchase anything or add a comment to this post.
Thanks and good luck for the coming growing season.

Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 26th January 2016

Moss Lea Allotment Society
Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on
Tuesday 26th January 2016, 8pm at Astley Bridge Cricket Club
Steve Barlow, Steve Cowell, Andy Warburton, Gwen Kinloch, Phil Almond, Barry Ashton, Barrie Cryer, Steve Watson, Derek Eccles.
1. Apologies
Ray Hardcastle.
2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Minutes of the last meeting held on 27th October 2015 were accepted as an accurate record.
3. Matters Arising
There were no matters arising from the previous minutes.
4. Secretary's Report
Steve Barlow reported that the ABAS subs will be increasing from 50p to £1. However ABAS is proving to be an effective agency for raising issues with the Council on behalf of allotment sites, especially when individual societies have found getting problems resolved difficult. ABAS is growing in size and influence, with half of Bolton plot holders as members. They are also increasing the size of the show this year, which has been scheduled for 20th August at Trinity Church.
There was a meeting of the North West Allotment Forum, but no-one from Moss Lea was available to attend.
There has been no contact with the Council for several weeks. It has not been possible to get the approval of greenhouses onto committee agendas and there has been a plan to get the matter re-designated as a management matter. Malcolm Russell had said that there would be an answer by Christmas, but none has been forthcoming. Steve will send an e-mail to ABAS to request that they take up the matter with the Council.
The broken panes in the greenhouse have not been replaced yet, even though it was thought that the work was already with a contractor.
Plot 9 (half plot) is vacant, however there is no up to date waiting list available from the Council at present.
5. Site maintenance and Repairs
Photos have been circulated to show how to lock the gates so that no-one can gain access to the site by squeezing through the gap between the gates. The cable should be wrapped around twice to ensure the gates are tightly closed together before the padlock is fitted. It is requested that all plot holders follow this procedure when locking up to ensure the site is secure.
Can plot holders please not park on the loop road around the site as this causes an obstruction and prevents other cars from getting past. Stopping to unload is OK but all vehicles should be moved to the parking area after unloading.
6. Any Other Business
The insurance has been renewed for the year and we are covered to hold more than one event similar to the annual show. The insurers have, however made it clear that they expect a risk assessment to be carried out prior to events being held. It should be a simple process to record a risk assessment on paper for events.
The order from Maher's is due in and Andy Warburton collected orders from plot holders.
11. Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 23rd February 2016, 8pm at Astley Bridge Cricket Club.

Monday 16 November 2015


Moss Lea Allotment Society
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on
Tuesday 27th October 2015, 8pm at Astley Bridge Cricket Club
Steve Barlow, Steve Cowell, Andy Warburton, Gwen Kinloch, Phil Almond, Barry Ashton, Brian Bentham, Ray Hardcastle, Amanda Bowen, Stephen Perkin, Wendy Bradbury, Barrie Cryer.
1. Apologies
Steve Watson.
2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Minutes of the last meeting held on 28th October 2014 were accepted as an accurate record.
3. Secretary's Report
Steve Barlow reported that it had been a successful year with almost all plots being full, with little difficulty in letting plots. There is currently one plot vacant as Sue White has recently given up one of her half plots.
The show was a success with more plot holders participating. The Society is trying to branch out and play more of a part in the local community eg by participating in the Astley Bridge Festival. Next year it is hoped there will be more participation in Bolton allotment competitions with more plot holders entering the Onion and Leek Show and the site being entered for the best site.
A new hut was put up and this should lead to space being used better. And the site has looked good, especially considering the Council now do no maintenance.
The Society is attempting to improve site security, as a result of break-ins. Greenhouses were damaged in bad weather in the spring and the Council has said that repair is imminent.
More plot holders are coming to meetings and the Moss Lea Society has a good relationship with ABAS.
Sadly two plot holders passed away during the year, Ken and Ronnie. Harriet has also moved to another allotment site.
4. Treasurer’s Report
Ray had prepared the annual accounts for the year ending 30th September 2015, which was presented at September meeting. There have been some losses this year due to theft from the hut and expenditure on the new hut. The bank balance at 30th September was £788.64.
5. Show Report
Andy presented the show report at the September meeting. The show made £231.
6. Insurance
The insurance is to be renewed when it is due in January. The existing insurance may only cover one public event (ie the annual show). This needs to be checked as there may be more events next year (eg for the Astley Bridge festival). Otherwise no changes are required to the policy. There have been no claims during the year.
7. Election of Officers
Chair:                                    Steve Cowell
Treasurer:                           Ray Hardcastle
Secretary:                           Steve Barlow
Show Secretary:               Andy Warburton
Maintenance Officer:     Provisionally Steve Watson
8. Subscriptions
These will remain at £5.
9. Secretary’s Honorarium
Steve was offered an honorarium by the members present, in recognition of costs for the society during the year, which he declined.
10. Any Other Business
There was no other business
11. Date of Next Meeting
Provisionally Tuesday 25th October 2016, 8pm at Astley Bridge Cricket Club.

Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 27th October 2015

Moss Lea Allotment Society
Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on
Tuesday 27th October 2015, 8pm at Astley Bridge Cricket Club
Steve Barlow, Steve Cowell, Andy Warburton, Gwen Kinloch, Phil Almond, Barry Ashton, Brian Bentham, Ray Hardcastle, Amanda Bowen, Stephen Perkin, Wendy Bradbury, Barrie Cryer.
1. Apologies
Steve Watson.
2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Minutes of the last meeting held on 29th September 2015 were accepted as an accurate record.
3. Matters Arising
There were no matters arising from the previous minutes.
4. Secretary's Report
Steve Barlow reported back from the last ABAS meeting. A meeting is to be arranged between Bolton Council and ABAS regarding the potential for extending the community use of allotments and how they relate to the health and social agenda for the borough.
The Leek and Onion Show is to be re-named the Bolton Vegetable Show and will be held at the end of August, at a new venue.
A copy of the monthly return to the council will now also be sent to ABAS, so that they can keep a check of common issues for allotment sites.
There are three long running issues which ABAS has raised with Malcolm Russell at Bolton Council on our behalf and has received the following responses:
1. Greenhouses and sheds on plots - This is a policy matter for the council but it has not been possible to get it onto committee agendas. A ruling is to be requested from the legal department as to whether it can be re-classified as a management matter, in which case it can be dealt with by council officers. If it cannot be re-classified Malcolm Russell will ensure it gets to committee by Christmas.  A point of concern raised at the meeting was that the email from ABAS detailing the discussion referred only to Greenhouses … Steve Barlow has since written to ABAS and the Council to re - emphasise that the request to the Council to change the restriction applies to sheds as well as greenhouses.
                2. Repairs to greenhouses - Measuring up should now have been done and repair is       imminent.
3. Building of compost bins onto common ground in corner of the site - Malcolm Russell considers that the area was a dead, unused piece of ground and so has allowed the bins to be there. This is on the understanding that there will be no further use made of this land by cultivation or further erection of bins etc. If there was to be a change to this there should be full discussion at the Society meeting..
5. Site maintenance and Repairs
People are still putting material on the compost bins, even though a notice has been put up saying that no more should be put on the bins. Plot holders should compost on their own plots, burn weeds or take them home to put in their green bins.
Repairs to the green house should be carried out soon, plot holders are reminded to ensure all items are secure on their plots to prevent any items being blown by the wind and damaging the greenhouses again.
The site is being kept tidy and the paths mown.
6. Any Other Business
Barry Ashton has purchased some signs warning that the site is monitored by cameras. These are to be put up at key locations in an attempt to improve security. Barry's costs were reimbursed from Society funds.
11. Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 24th November 2015, 8pm at Astley Bridge Cricket Club.